Churches in Amlwch

Since 2005 there has been a growing together in activities for the five churches established in the town of Amlwch. At first this was due to the effort put in by the ministers of the churches. Representing their own particular denomination they welcomed each other into a new kind of fellowship. On the initial success of this they are now building a stronger involvement of lay members from their churches in the planning of activities together.

During each year it is our aim to explore ways in which we can come together and support one another in promoting the Christian faith. The churches, Church in Wales(Anglican), English and Welsh Language Methodist, Roman Catholic, Pentecostal and Presbyterian Church of Wales, have differing styles of worship and language, but are now expressing this diversity to each other in joint services marking special times in the Christian calendar.

We have regular meetings of church leaders to plan the year and its activities. This year began with the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity and we held five services from Monday to Friday in each represented tradition. At the end of the week we met, following the final service, at Bull Bay Golf Club for a Fish Pie Supper. It was a very enjoyable experience.

During Lent we had a series of studies, looking at the Lord's Prayer, held at the Methodist Church. These times have been filled with blessings and we thank God for what we share together.

On Good Friday we have the silent procession of witness to mark the Crucifixion of Jesus. Later in the year we are planning a day of pilgrimage. All the time we are learning from each other about our professions of faith and styles of worship. From this we hope God will challenge us to achieve great things in his service together.

At harvest time we shall be able to come together and celebrate what we have grown in God's name and in his world. We shall join together for our annual Harvest Supper at a local venue and even present a little entertainment. At the end of the year during Advent we shall once again meet together and explore the Advent theme and what it means for us.

We ask all friends and supporters to pray for us as we jointly celebrate Jesus Christ and the love he offers to all who dwell in God's world.

In the Book of Genesis we see depicted at the beginning of time the spirit of God hovering above the waters. This same spirit is alive today and, if men and women accept it, the spirit can still lead us to be successful in God's work of reconciling all people to him. It is the spirit we feel among us that draws us together in God's service. That spirit offers all people the chance they seek to make amends and take on the mantle of Christ. That spirit both energises Christians and bolsters their faith as they work for God in his wonderful world.

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