Buddhism as an Education

The path to Enlightenment

Namo Amitabha

In the past few years there was a theory being circulated that said a person with remaining karma could not attain birth into the Pure Land. This greatly shocked and panicked Pure Land practitioner. When I went to Los Angeles in1984, I was asked if this was really true. On hearing the question, I smiled and said, “If it were true that no person with remaining karma could be born into the Pure Land, then the only person there would be Buddha Amitabha. --- Ven. Master Chin Kung ---

Pure Land Teachings of Master Chu-Hung

From Pure Land Pure Mind
Translated by J.C. Cleary
Edited by Van Hien Study Group

Master Chu-hung (1535-1615), also known as Yun-ch'i or Lien-ch'ih, was (along with Han-shan Te-ch'ing and Tzu-po Chen-k'o) one of the three "dragon--elephants" or most illustrious monks of the Ming period. Together, they were responsible for the revival of Buddhism in sixteenth century China, a revival which still influences Buddhism today.

Trained as a monk in both the Zen and Pure Land traditions,  Master  Chu-hung  emphasized  strict observance of monastic discipline, active participation of laymen in Buddhist life and the dual practice of Zen and Pure Land.

The Supreme and endless blessingsof Samantabhadra's deeds,
I now universally transfer.
May every living beings, drowningand adrift,
Soon return to the Land of LimitlessLight!
The Vows of Samantabhadra, Avatamsaka Sutra

Sutra Translation Committee of the United States and Canada
New York - San Francisco - Toronto

Namo Amitabha

Life’s most awesome event is death, and death comes to all without regard to wealth, beauty, intelligence or fame. Death is inevitable, but how you die—terrified and confused, or with confidence and spiritual mastery—is within your control.
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