Singing For Noobs

Vocal Health

Many anatur singers do not take the dangers of singing incorrectly seriously. Professional singers have had to get throat surgery and terrible conditions that can alter their voice forever.

There are even singers who could not talk the same again because they had ruined their voice so much.

How do you protect your voice?

1. Do not strain it. Again, your voice is like a muscle, training it can damage it. Sing only what you can handle and only the notes you can reach. More practice and preparation can get you to the point where you can hit those notes, you just have to be careful and patient.

Professional singers will not speak for days efore a performance to preserve their voice. Opera singers at their rehearsals will do something called "marking". This is where you sing very quietly almost at a whisper to preserve their voice and not wear it out.

2. Drink water. Many singers do not understand how important water is for your voice and your throat. Professional singers will ring water with them on stage because they can sound terrible and ruin their voice if they are not constantly drinking water.

Professional stage performers will put a damp cloth over their nose and mouth if the air around them is too dry. They will drink 8 cups of water a day at a minimum.

3. Your diet. Your diet can affect your singing voice. Things like sugar and dairy can affect the way you sing. They can swell your vocal chords and make you sound raspy.

Professional singers will cut dairy and sugar out of their diet entirely to sound their best on stage.

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