My Favorite Authors

Terry Pratchett

Without doubt my alltime favourite . I have read all of his books,
several times, and his "Discworld" Series is without equal

Douglas Adams

Who hasn't heard of the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy?
"Don't Panic!" Just click on either of the links.


Roald Dahl

Tales of the Unexpected

Arthur C Clarke

Practically everybody knows about the film 2001, based on a short story by Clarke, but there is so much more to him than that.

Isaac Asimov

I particularly like his Robot stories and the Foundation series.


Hand up those who know that he was called John Ronald Reuel?
Bilbo Baggins seems humdrum in comparison.

OK so it is childish,  (I prefer "Childlike")  I still love these books.

Beatrix Potter

Flopsy, Mopsy, Cottontail & Peter, Mrs Tiggywinkle, Miss Moppet etc.

Edward Lear

Nonsense Rhymes

Lewis Carroll

Alice and more


Alan Alexander in case you are wondering.
I have very little brain too so have a strong kinship with Pooh



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