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"Ermita Hill"

Ermita HillIf you want to see a nice overlooking view of the Baler Bay and the nearby fishing port without traveling too far from Baler, go to Ermita Hill. History has it ... the locals of Baler went up Ermita Hill to take refuge during a Tromba de Marina (tidal wave or cyclone?) in the 17th century.

Location: Barangay Zabali, Baler Getting There: Take a tricycle from Baler town proper to the river outlet south of Sabang Beach. From there, one can walk to the site. Travel Time: Five minutes by tricycle, approximately 35 minutes' walk to the foot of the hill and 15 minutes' trek uphill. This shrub-covered area provides an excellent view of the town of Baler, Sabang Beach, Cemento and Dimadimalangat islet. It is a short, steep trek from the foot of the hill, through small trees and cogon grass, to the top. Hidden beneath a clump of trees are the almost unrecognizable remains of a bell tower. Owing to its excellent vantage point, the bell tower was formerly used to warn people of Baler of raiding pirates. During sunny days the place is swelteringly hot.