Life in C64

Small automata cell


Web page:



Autor: alvalongo




A small Conway's Game of Life implementation

written for Commodore 64 using built-in BASIC V2

in 10 lines of code





BASIC 10 liner contest 2019 by Homeputerium


Category: "EXTREME-256"


Entry · #70


Tweeter:  @Basic10L on Twitter



Other web pages:


2019  BASIC 10-Liner Contest in On!





VICE emulator v2.2 for Windows






Conway's Game of Life at Cornell Math Explorers' Club



The simple rules of Game of life are:

·         1- If the cell is alive, then it stays alive if it has either 2 or 3 live neighbors.

·         2- If the cell is dead, then it springs to life only in the case that it has 3 live neighbors.


This simple rules lead to intense computational and long runs as board is bigger, as every cell on the board has to look its sorrounding 8 cells.


A 10 x 10 board has 100 cells and 100 x 8 = 800 cells to look up.

A 15 x 15 board has 225 cells and 225 x 8 = 1800 cell to look up.



Commodore BASIC isn’t fast enough to calculate next generation and display a smooth animation , so I decided first calculate all generations until (control by TX variable) saving the result on a bidimensional array (a$) and then play every generation in sequence..

Every row in the array is a string of CX+2 length at tick T



How to play


The program is named “life64.prg”.


If the unit 9 is configure as a directory, load program typing the command:





and press RETURN




And then type


       List 10


and press RETURN



The program will run with this parameters:

CX is set 15, fro 15 rows

RX is set 15, for 15 columns

TX is set 50 for 50 ticks


Then type




and press RETURN


The program starts at tick 0 (zero) and calculate next tick row by row column by colum


Every star character is a alive cell


Tick is 0



At tick one is:



At tick seven



At tick 31:




After all ticks are calculate the program play endless every tick in a smooth animation.




Line 90 has the initial generation, on row and column pairs.

End is signaling by two or more consecutive “0” (zero) values:



About design

Commodore BASIC V2 logical operacions give numeric values:

-1 (minus one) for TRUE values

0 (cero) for FALSE values

It can compute algebraic expresions with logical operations like


So if varible B is 1 (one) then L gets -1

If varible B is another number then L gets 0



You can write algebraic expression mixed with logical expressions, as:



If K is 10, and B is 2 then the result is 13

If K is 10 and B is 10 then the result is 10

With this feature I was able to skip a lot of IF-THEN sentences and write down a long algebraic expression evaluating all 8 neighbors around a cell.


If a cell has coordinate Y (for row) and X (for column):


Its 8 neighbors have the following coordinates:


It was assume that all cells around the board are always in “dead” state


Programming tools

Development and testing was on a Windows 2000 Professional SP4, spanish language



Crimson Editor

Version: 3.70 Release



2-Convertion from text to tokenized Commodore BASIC V2

tool: C64List

Version: v3.03 by Jeff Hoag





VICE, Versatil Commodore Emulator

Version: 2.2






Description of program:


Source:  life64.bas



10 print "{clear}{white}life on 64":cx=12:rx=12:tx=10:d2=-2:d3=-3:u=1:e=2:z=0:t=z


Clear screen and set white color.

Initialize variables:

CX    maximun number of columns

RX    maximum number of rows

TX    maximim ticks generations

D2    numeric value minus 2, for rule 1

D3    numeric value minus 3 for rule 1 and 2

U      numeric value 1 (one)

E       numeric value 2 (two)

Z       numeric value 0 (zero)

T       tick value for generations, init with zero


220 v$="*":c$(z)=" ":c$(u)=v$:dim a$(rx+u,tx):for i=z to rx+u:a$(i,t)="["+

left$("                                        ",cx)+"]":next i


V$     aliVe state, using a star character

C$(z) Dead, using a space charater on position 0 of array c$

C$(u) Alive, using a star character on position 1 of array C$

A$     Bidimensional array for board of RX+U rows and TX generations

Initializa every row of array A$ at time 0, with dead cells. every row is a string of CX+2 characters, because the board has around all dead cell




30 read r,c:if r>=u and c>=u then c=c+u:a$(r,t)=mid$(a$(r,t),u,c)+v$+mid$(a$(r,t),c+e): goto 30


Read tuples of row and column coordinates.

If they are greater o equal than one then modify string on this row R so the column C has a alive cell.

It’s added one because the most left cell and the most right cell are border cell outside main board,



40 40 for t=z to tx-u:gosub 90:for y=u to rx:l$="[":for x=e to cx+u


Start of main loop, time is from 0 to max time minus one

GOSUB 900, for draw the board

Y is for rows

L$ is for the new line o row, initialize a “[“ character because is the cell outside main board.

X is for columns, from 2 to CX plus 2




50 print "{home}t=";str$(t);">r=";str$(y);",c=";str$(x);"    ":p=x+u:q=y+u:r=x-u:s=y-u


Write number of T generation, and Y row and X column

Initialize variables for neighbors cells.



60 k=(mid$(a$(s,t),x,u)=v$)+(mid$(a$(s,t),p,u)=v$)+(mid$(a$(y,t),p,u)=v$)




Every neighbor cell, total of 8, is compare agaings the alive value in variable V$

If is alive then the value es –1 (minus one)

At then end variable K has a value between 0 (zero) and –8 (minus eight)



70 w$=mid$(a$(y,t),x,u):l$=l$+c$((w$=v$)*((k=d2)+(k=d3))+(w$<>v$)*(k=d3)):next x:a$(y,t+u)=l$+"]":next y:next t:print"{clear}";


Varible W$ gets the current state at time T of cell at Y row and X column


(w$=v$)*((k=d2)+(k=d3), this is for rule 1

       (w$=v$), the cell is alive?

       (k=d2)+(k=d3), the count is –2 or –3

if both are TRUE then the net value es 1 positive


(w$<>v$)*(k=d3), this is for rule 2

       (w$<>v$), the cell is dead?

       (k=d3), the total of alive cell is –3?

if both are TRUE then the net value es 1 posotive


From the array C$, get the next cell state, if 0 then space character, if 1 then star character-


next x,  go to next column


a$(y,t+u)=l$+" ", write new row in the next time T+1


next y, next row

next t, next generation



80 print "{clear}":for t=z to tx:gosub 90:next t:for b=z to 300:next b:goto 80


A loop to display the board at time T


for b=z to 300:next b, is a delay


90 print "{home}t=";str$(t);"  ":for i=u to rx:print "{rvrs on}";a$(i,t):next i:return


A subroutine to display a board at tick T, printing every row

It prints the left and right borders of board.




100 data 1,2,1,3,2,2,2,3,3,4,3,5,3,11,4,4,4,5,4,10,4,11,5,11,9,12,9,15,10,11,



Data for generation zero, row and column coordinates

Signal end of data with two or more zero values.



To calculate this coordinates of ticke zeto I write a amall program lifegrid.bas




This is for a board of 15 rows and 15 columns

Data on line 300 is a ruler

Data for roe 1 is line 301 and so on

An star is a alive cell




Life_in_c64_v101-c104.doc, by alvalongo