The Dark Queen
Hound of the Dark Earth
The King's Hound
Art Gallery
The Author
Welcome, everyone, to Alternate Realities.
     Imagine a world where it's cold year round and only a few places, that are known, have warmth and green grass. Imagine if Arturia Pendragon were not the great King Arthur of the past, righteous and true, but a woman ruling like a king would as a Queen of Briton and she isn't warm and good, but cold and hard. Or, imagine a world where the sun is humanity's enemy and humans must live underground in tunnels and come out at night when the world is cooler, but the water is still boiling hot and the great hero of Ulster is caught in the middle of this.

      This place holds the archived stories of these sorts of ideas. I like to explore futuristic possibilities as do a lot of my friends, so I get to explore these possibilities often. Here, I have The Dark Queen, which is the first of these worlds I have started up. I hope you enjoy the stories I write as much as I do writing them and sculpting them.
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