
The clearing method, known as a febrifugal approach, is used to clear off the pathogenic heat for resuscitation, or for heat syndromes. In Chapter 74 of Plain Questions, it states that " heat syndromes should be treated by swift needling. " Compendium of Acupuncture and Moxibustion says that " the internal pathogenic heat must be cleared off "

The commonly used clearing methods are as follows :

  • For dispelling the pathogenic heat, Dazhui ( Du 14 ) , Quchi ( Li11 ) and Hegu ( Li4 ) are often needled with the reducing method.
  • For heat syndromes in the zang - fu organs, the Jing - ( Well ) Point and Ying - ( Spring ) Point of the affected meridians are often needled with the reducing method or blood - letting.
  • For clearing off heat and resuscitation, Renzhong ( Du 26 ) and the twelve Jing - ( Well ) Points ( L11, H9, P9, Li1, Sj1, and Si1 on both sides ) are needled with the reducing method or bloodletting.



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