TCM diagnosis


TCM basics
TCM diagnosis
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Etiology & Pathogenesis

The subject of etiology is the study of the causative factors of disease, whilst the study of pathogenesis concerns the actual bodily processes whereby disease occurs, develops and changes. Traditional Chinese medicine holds that there is normally a state of relative equilibrium between the human body and the external environment on the one hand, and among the zang - fu organs within the body on the other hand. If external influences exceed the powers of adaptability of the organism, or if the body itself is unable to adjust to changing conditions, then this relative equilibrium will be lost, and disease will develop


Diagnostic methods

In TCM there are four diagnostic methods : Inspection is a method of diagnosis in which the doctor understands and predicts the pathological changes of internal organs by observing abnormal changes in the patient ' s vitality, colour, appearance, secretions and excretions. Auscultation and olfaction refer to listening and smelling. Inquiring is asking the patient or the patient ' s companion about the disease condition in order to understand the pathological process. Inquiring covers a wide range of topics : Chills and fever, Perspiration, Appetite, Thirst, Taste, Defecation, Urination, Pain, Sleep, Menses, Leukorrhea. Palpation is a method of diagnosis in which the pathological condition is detected by palpating, feeling and pressing certain areas of the body. It is discussed under the headings of feeling the pulse and palpation of different parts of the body


Differentation of Syndromes

Differentiation of syndromes is the method in traditional Chinese medicine of recognizing and diagnosing diseases. This method entails making a comprehensive analysis of the symptoms and signs, in order to clarify their internal relationships. There are a number of methods in traditional Chinese medicine for differentiating syndromes


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