Nearby points

Nearby refers to the local area of the disease or the adjacent area of the disease.

  • Selection of local points Local refers to the vicinity of the disease. For example, Jingming ( B 1 ) and Zanzhu ( B 2 ) are selected for eye disease ; Juliao ( S 3 ) and Yingxiang ( Li 20 ) for nose disease ; Tinggong ( Si 19 ) and Tinghui ( G 2 ) for ear disease ; Zhongwan ( Ren 12 ) for epigastric disease and Taiyang ( Extra ) for headache. When there is an ulcer, wound or scar in the local area, select adjacent points instead of the local.
  • Selection of adjacent points : Adjacent refers to the location close to the diseased area. For instance, Shangxing ( Du 23 ) and Tongtian ( B 7 ) are selected for nose disease ; Fengchi ( G 20 ) and Fengfu ( Du 16 ) for headache ; and Zhangmen ( Liv 13 ) and Tianshu ( S 25 ) for gastric pain. The adjacent points may be used independently or in combination with the local points. Points from the head and trunk selected for problems of the five sense organs and zang - fu organs are within this category.



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