The Crossing Points

The Crossing Points refer to those located at the intersection of two or more meridians, including the twelve regular meridians and the eight extra meridians. There are about ninety crossing points and most of them are distributed on the trunk, the head and the face. They can be used to treat disorders of the pertaining meridians and the intersected meridians. Generally, they are often used to treat the diseases appearing simultaneously in meridians intersecting each other. For example, Guanyuan ( Ren 4 ) and Zhongji ( Ren 3 ) located at the intersection of three yin meridians and the Ren Meridian may be used to treat diseases of the three foot yin meridians. Sanyinjiao ( Sp 6 ) , a crossing point in the three foot yin meridians is used for diseases of the Liver, Spleen and Kidney Meridians.

The number of the Crossing Points increased after the publication in Systematic Classic of Acupuncture, Plain Questions edited by Wang Bing, Medical Highlights, the Illustrated Manual of Acupoints on the New Bronze Figure, Compendium of Acupuncture, and Illustrated Supplement to the Classified Classics. The following is made based on Systematic Classic of Acupuncture.



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