
The ascending method is used to raise yang qi and lift the zang - fu organs from sinking. It is for failure of ascending pure yang and sinking of the qi in the middle jiao. Chapter 74 of Plain Questions says that " prolapse must be treated by the ascending method. " In Chapter 10 of Miraculous Pivot, it says that " ptosis must be treated by moxibustion. " The Chapter 74 of the same book points out " qi decending from the upper portion must be corrected by pushing it up. "

Clinically, acupuncture with the reinforcing method and moxibustion is applied to the local points in combination with Baihui ( Du 20 ) , Qihai ( Ren 6 ) Guanyuan ( Ren 6 ) , Zusanii ( S 36 ) , etc. to treat dizziness and vertigo due to failure of pure yang in ascending, sinking of qi from the middle jiao, visceroptosis, prolapse of rectum and prolonged dysentery.

But the ascending method shall not be used for patients with yin deficiency and yang hyperactivity.



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