Syndrome of the xue stage

The syndrome of the xue stage represents further development of the invasion of the ying system by the pathogenic factor. It arises from excessive heat stirring the blood and further disturbing the mind.

Chief manifestations are burning heat of the body, mania, delirium ) , obvious skin rashes ; or hematemesis, hemoptysis, epistaxis, bloody stools and hematuria ; dark deep - red tongue.

As the heart dominates the blood and houses the mind, injury of ying blood by heat leads to a burning sensation of the body and dark deep - red tongue. Excessive heat stirs the blood causing obvious skin rashes, hematemesis, hemoptysis, bloody stools and hematuria heat in the xue system also disturbs the mind, the result being mania and delirium.

The method of treatment is to cool the blood and to eliminate toxins. Acupuncture may assist by eliminating heat, promoting mental resuscitation, relieving convulsion and calming the mind. Points are selected mainly from the Du ( Governor Vessel ) Meridian, Yangming Meridians of Hand and Foot, Shaoyin Meridian of Head and Jueyin Meridians of Hand and Foot.



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