Damp heat in the lower jiao

Damp heat lodged in the lower jiao mainly affects the large intestine and bladder and hence manifests as abnormal urination and defecation. The symptoms and signs are retention of urine, thirst with desire to drink only a little, constipation, hardness and fullness in the lower abdomen, a sticky yellow or white tongue coating and a soft rapid pulse.

Damp heat retained in the bladder impairs its function of controlling urine, this explains retention of urine. Accumulation of damp in the lower jiao prevents body fluid from rising and a thirst with desire to drink only small quantities ensues. Damp retained in the large intestine impairs its function of transmission, blocking the qi of the fu organ and causing constipation and hardness and fullness in the lower abdomen. The sticky yellow or white tongue coating and the soft, rapid pulse are both signs of damp heat. The method of treatment is to conduct the turbid downwards and relieve accumulation. In acupuncture treatment, points are mainly selected from the Ren Meridian, Bladder, Spleen and Stomach Meridians.



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