Syndrome of stagnation of qi

The syndrome of stagnation of qi occurs when qi in a certain portion of the body or of a specific zang - fu organ is retarded and obstructed.

Clinical manifestations : Distension and pain.

Etiology and pathology : This syndrome is often due to mental depression, improper diet, invasion of exogenous pathogenic factors, or sprains and contusions. Hindrance of qi circulation is followed by obstruction of qi, which is the primary cause of distension and pain. These symptoms have the following features : Distension is more severe than pain ; both distension and pain wax and wane with no fixed position ; and the onset is often related to emotions and the symptoms may be alleviated temporarily by belching or flatus.

As stagnation of qi has varied causes and may involve different zang - fu organs, there exist, aside from distension, stuffiness and pain, separate clinical manifestations. For details, refer to the chapter dealing with differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of zang - fu organs.



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