Retention of cold in the Liver Meridian

Clinical manifestations : Lower abdominal distending pain, with bearing - down sensation in the testes ; the scrotum may be contracted ; this pain can be aggravated by cold and alleviated by warmth ; the tongue coating is white and slippery and the pulse deep and string - taut.

Etiology and pathology : This syndrome is due to invasion of the Liver Meridian by exogenous pathogenic cold which blocks the qi and blood circulation. The Liver Meridian curves around the external genitalia and passes through the lower abdominal region. As cold is characterized by contraction and stagnation, invasion of the meridian by cold may block the qi and blood circulation and thus leading to pain. Cold disperses with warmth and thus pain is relieved ; when cold accumulates, the pain becomes worse. A white, slippery tongue coating and a deep, string - taut pulse are ( - both signs of interior cold.



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