Insufficiency of the liver blood

Clinical manifestations : Pallor, dizziness and vertigo, blurring of vision, dryness of the eyes, night blindness, numbness of the limbs, spasms of the tendons, scanty menstrual flow or amenorrhea, a pale tongue and a thready pulse.

Etiology and pathology : This syndrome may be due to insufficient ' production of blood, to excessive loss of blood or to consumption of the liver blood by a prolonged illness. Deficiency of the liver blood deprives the heat and eyes of nourishment and may result in pallor, dizziness and vertigo, blurring of vision, dryness of the eyes and night blindness. When the liver blood fails to nourish the limbs and tendons, there may be numbness of the limbs and spasms of the tendons. Insufficiency of the liver blood empties the sea of blood, thus bringing on scanty menstrual flow and amenorrhea. A pale tongue and a thready pulse are the consequence of deficiency of blood.



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