Insufficiency of the kidney yin

Clinical manifestations : Dizziness, tinnitus, insomnia, poor memory, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee joints, nocturnal emission, dryness of the mouth, afternoon fever, malar flush, night sweating, yellow urine, constipation, a red tongue with little coating and a thready, rapid pulse.

Etiology and pathology : This syndrome may be due to a prolonged illness, or to excessive sexual activity. It may also occur in the late stage of febrile diseases. In these cases the kidney yin is consumed. Deficiency of the kidney yin weakens the kidney in its function of producing marrow, dominating bones and nourishing the brain ; the result is dizziness, tinnitus, poor memory, soreness and weakness of the lumbar region and knee joints. Deficiency of yin produces endogenous heat, hence afternoon fever, malar flush, night sweating, dryness of the mouth, yellow urine and constipation. Disturbance in the interior by heat of the deficiency type is the cause of nocturnal emission. Disturbance of the mind by heat leads to insomnia. A red tongue with little coating and a thready, rapid pulse are both signs of deficiency of yin leading to endogenous heat.



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