Deficiency of the heart qi, deficiency of the heart yang

Clinical manifestations : Both deficiency of the heart qi and deficiency of the heart yang may exhibit palpitations and shortness of breath, which become worse on exertion, spontaneous sweating and a thready, weak pulse or a missed - beat pulse. Deficiency of the heart qi also manifests as listlessness, lassitude and a pale tongue with white coating. The accompaniment of chills, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips and a pale, swollen and delicate tongue or a purplish dark tongue indicates deficiency of the heart yang. Profuse sweating, cold limbs, feeble breathing, a feeble fading pulse and mental cloudiness or even coma are all critical signs of prostration of the heart yang.

Etiology and pathology : They are usually caused by gradual declining of the heart qi after a long illness, damage of yang qi by an abrupt severe disease or weakness of the qi of zang due to old age or to congenital deficiency. Insufficiency of the heart qi or heart yang implies weakness of the heart in propelling the blood, which explains palpitations and shortness of breath. As exertion consumes qi, they become worse on exertion. Insufficiency of blood in the vessels due to weakness of blood circulation leads to a thready and weak pulse. A missed - beat pulse is produced by discontinuation of the qi of vessels due to weakness of the heart in propelling the blood. In case of deficiency of qi and yang, the muscles and body surface fail to be controlled, spontaneous sweating results. Deficiency of qi leads to hypo function of zang - fu organs, bringing on listlessness and lassitude. Deficiency of the heart yang deprives the blood of warmth and gives rise to retardation of blood circulation, the accompanying symptoms and signs being chills, cold limbs, cyanosis of lips and a purplish dark tongue. Extreme deficiency of yang creates an abrupt prostration and severe dissipation of zong ( pectoral ) qi from the body with critical signs of profuse sweating, cold limbs, feeble breathing, mental cloudiness or even coma, and a feeble fading pulse.



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