Deficiency of the heart blood, deficiency of the heart yin

Clinical manifestations : Both deficiency of the heart blood and deficiency of the heart yin may manifest as palpitations, insomnia, dream - disturbed sleep and poor memory. If there are also pallor, pale lips, dizziness and vertigo, a pale tongue and a thready and weak pulse, this suggests deficiency of the heart blood. The accompaniment of mental restlessness, dryness of the mouth, heat sensation in the palms, and soles, tidal fever, night sweating, a red tongue and a thready and rapid pulse indicates deficiency of the heart yin.

Etiology and pathology : They often result from a weak body constitution, asthenia after a long illness or mental irritation which consumes the heart blood and heart yin. Insufficiency of yin blood deprives the heart of nourishment, leading to palpitations and poor memory. Disturbance of the mind results in insomnia and dream - disturbed sleep. Blood deficiency with inability to nourish upwards may produce dizziness and vertigo, pallor, pale lips, and a pale tongue. The insufficient blood in the vessels is the cause of a thready and weak pulse. Insufficiency of the heart yin produces deficiency type heat in the interior, which causes mental restlessness, dryness of the mouth, heat sensation in the palms and soles, malar flush, tidal fever, night sweating, a red tongue and a thready and rapid pulse.



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