Syndrome of heat in the blood

Heat in the blood refers to the syndrome which results either from endogenous heat in the blood system or from invasion of the blood system by exogenous pathogenic heat.

Clinical manifestations : Mental restlessness, or mania in severe cases, a dry mouth with no desire to drink, deep - red tongue, rapid pulse, possible occurrence of various hemorrhagic syndromes, profuse menstrual flow in women.

Etiology and pathology : This syndrome is often due to either invasion of exogenous pathogenic heat or to obstruction of liver qi turning into fire. Hyperactivity of heat in the blood disturbs the mind and results in mental restlessness or even mania in severe cases. Consumption of yin blood leads to a dry mouth, but since heat is not in the qi system, the patient does not want to drink. Excessive heat accelerates the blood circulation and hence a deep - red tongue and rapid pulse appear.

Hyperactive heat in the blood system easily causes injury of the blood vessels, the result of which is epistaxis, hemoptysis, hematemesis, hematuria and profuse menstrual flow in women.

Acupuncture and moxibustion may regulate qi and blood. As stated in the first chapter of Miraculous Pivot, " Fine needles are applied to clear obstructions in meridians and collaterals and to regulate qi and blood. " Another medical classic Precious Supplementary Prescriptions holds, " All diseases start from stagnation of qi and blood. Needling may promote smooth circulation of qi and blood.... " In acupuncture clinics, suitable points are selected, and different techniques of needling and moxibustion are adopted to regulate qi and blood and to restore their harmonious states.



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