Yangming syndrome

The Yangming syndrome represents a stage of extreme struggle between the antipathogenic qi and the pathogenic factor. It is an interior heat syndrome of excess type. In terms of location and characteristics of pathological manifestations, the Yangming syndrome can be classified into two categories, namely, syndrome of the Yangming Meridian and syndrome of the Yangming fu organ. Insubstantial heat spreading all over the body suggests the syndrome of the Yangming Meridian ; substantial heat accumulating in the fu organs indicates the syndrome of the Yangming fu organ.

The main pathological manifestations of the syndrome of the Yangming Meridian are high fever, profuse sweating, extreme thirst, flushed face, mental restlessness, a dry, yellow tongue coating and a superficial and forceful pulse. Pathogenic invasion of Yangming leads to hyperactivity of endogenous heat, which results in high fever and flushed face. Heat expells and consumes body fluids, which results in profuse sweating, extreme thirst and a dry, yellow tongue coating. Excessive Yangming heat disturbs the mind, which is expressed as mental restlessness and irritability. The strength of both the antipathogenic qi and the pathogenic factor accompanied with vigorous endogenous heat causes the superficial and forceful pulse. The method of treatment is to clear off heat using points of the Yangming Meridians of Hand and Foot and the Du Meridian.

The syndrome of the Yangming fu organ exhibits pathological manifestations such as feverishness of the body which is more pronounced in the afternoon, constipation, fullness and pain in the abdomen aggravated by pressure, restlessness, delirium, a dry yellow tongue coating or burnt - yellow coating with thorns on the tongue, and a deep and forceful pulse of excess type.

When the interior heat of Yangming mingles with the dry faeces, the qi of the fu organ is obstructed producing constipation and a fullness, also pain in the abdomen which may be aggravated by pressure. The accumulation of heat in the interior and flourishing of the qi of the Yangming Meridian in the afternoon combine to exhibit feverishness of the body which is more pronounced in the afternoon. The upward attack of pathogenic dryness and heat mixed with turbid qi disturbs the mind, manifesting as restlessness and delirium. The dry yellow tongue coating or burnt - yellow coating with thorns on the tongue, and the deep, forceful pulse of excess type are the consequences of consumption of body fluid by excessive heat and accumulation of dry faeces in the interior. The method of purgation is used in the treatment.

Principally, the Front - Mu Points and Lower He - Sea Points of the Yangming Meridians of Hand and Foot are selected. Points of the Spleen Meridian of Foot - Taiyin may be used in conjunction.



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