Prolapse of Rectum

Prolapse of rectum likely happens to infants , the old aged , and those with general debility after a long illness .

Etiology and Pathogenesis

This disease is mostly caused by deficiency of the primary qi , sinking of the spleen and stomach qi and disability of restraining due to long - standing diarrhea or dysentery , or due to constitutional weakness after severe diseases .


Main manifestations : The onset is slow , to start with distending and draggling sensation of rectum during defecation , and returning to normal after the bowel movement . If it is sustained without proper treatment , recurrence may happen by overstrain and the prolapsed rectum fails to return spontaneously without the aid of the hand .

Sometimes there are lassitude , weakness of limbs , sallow complexion , dizziness and palpitation . The tongue is pale with white coating , and the pulse thready and feeble .

Analysis : Deficiency of the primary qi leads to the sinking of the spleen qi , and failure of the large intestine in holding itself in its normal position , so the rectum prolapses . Insufficiency of the spleen and stomach qi brings about dysfunction of transportation and transformation , causing deficiency of qi and blood , thus lassitude and weakness of the limbs appear . Qi deficiency fails to nourish the upper portion of the body . Dizziness results from the failure of nourishing the head and eyes , and palpitation from the failure of nourishing the heart . Pale tongue with white coating , thready and feeble pulse are the signs of qi deficiency .


Method : Points of the Du Meridian are mainly applicable with the reinforcing method and moxibustion .

Prescription : Baihui ( Du 20 ) , Dachangshu ( B 25 ) , Changqiang ( Du 1 ) , Zusanii ( S 36 ) .

Explanation : Rectum is the distal part of the large intestine . Reinforcing Dachangshu ( B 25 ) can replenish the qi of the large intestine . Baihui ( Du 20 ) is the meeting point of the Du Meridian and the three yang meridians , and qi pertains to yang , subjected to the Du Meridian , therefore moxibustion to Baihui ( Du 20 ) can invigorate yang qi , and improve the elevating and contracting function . Changqiang ( Du 1 ) , a point of the collateral of the Du Meridian , located near the anus , is selected as a local point . Zusanii ( S 36 ) can reinforce qi for elevation . The combination of Baihui ( Du 20 ) , Changqiang ( Du 1 ) and Zusanii ( S 36 ) follows a principle - to elevate when there is subsidence .


Picking therapy : Pick any spot on the paraspinal muscle bilaterally in between the third lumbar vertebra and the second sacral vertebra .



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