Common Cold

is an exogenous ailment with headache , nasal obstruction , aversionto wind and fever as its main manifestations . It often results from lowered superficial resistance and invasion of the exogenous pathogenic factors . It may occur in any season . According to the difference in weather , pathogenic factors and body constitution , the manifestations can be classified into two types : wind cold and wind heat .

Etiology and Pathogenesis

This disease is often due to delicate - constitution and weakened body resistance which makes the body inadaptable to intense changes of the weather with abnormal cold or warmth . Then the exogenous pathogenic wind invades the body through the pores , skin , mouth and nose , leading to manifestations related to lung and the defensive function . Very often pathogenic wind combined with other pathogenic factors like pathogenic cold causes a wind cold syndrome , or with pathogenic heat causes a wind heat syndrome . Invasion of exogenous pathogenic wind and cold may retard the lung's dispersing function and block the pores , while invasion of exogenous pathogenic wind and heat may impair the lung's descending function by the evaporating heat , and lead to abnormal functioning of the pores . In addition , since the patient's body build is different and the internal and external causes are mutually influenced , the manifestations after invasion by the pathogenic factors must be varied . For patients with yang deficiency , wind cold syndrome is mostly seen , while for those with yin deficiency , wind heat syndrome is often found .


Wind cold :

Main manifestations : Chills , fever , anhidrosis , headache , soreness and pain of the limbs , nasal obstruction , running nose , itching of the throat , cough , hoarse voice , profuse thin sputum , thin white tongue coating , superficial and tense pulse .

Analysis : Invasion of the body surface by pathogenic wind and cold impairs the dispersing function of the lung and affects the nose , causing nasal obstruction and discharge . Pathogenic cold is of yin nature , which is likely to damage yang . Impairment of superficial yang is manifested by exterior symptoms such as chills , fever , anhidrosis , headache , even soreness and pain of the limbs . Thin white tongue coating and superficial tense pulse are the signs showing the invasion of the lung and the superficial defensive system by pathogenic wind and cold .

Wind heat :

Main manifestations : Fever , sweating , slight aversion to wind , pain and distending sensation of the head , cough with yellow , thick sputum , congested and sore throat , thirst , thin white or yellowish tongue coating , superficial and rapid pulse .

Analysis : Pathogenic wind heat often attacks the body through the nose and mouth . The lung is involved first . Pathogenic wind of yang nature is characterized by upward and outward dispersion . When a fight goes on between the pathogenic wind heat and the body resistance , fever , slight aversion to wind and sweating result . When the pathogenic wind heat attacks the head , symptoms like pain and distending sensation occur in the head . In case the lung fails in dispersing and descending , there appears cough with yellow , thick sputum . When the pathogenic wind heat stifles the air passage , there is congested sore throat with thirst . Thin , white or yellowish tongue coating , and superficial rapid pulse are the signs showing the lung and the defensive system being attacked by the pathogenic wind heat .


Wind cold :

Method : Reducing is applied to the points of the Du , Taiyang and Shaoyang Meridians to eliminate wind cold and relieve exterior symptoms . Even movement combined with moxibustion is applied to patients with weakened constitutions .

Prescription : Fengfu ( Du 16 ) , Fengmen ( B 12 ) , Fengchi ( G 20 ) , Lieque ( L 7 ) , Hegu ( LI 4 ) .

Explanation : Fengfu ( Du 16 ) is used to relieve the exterior symptoms , eliminate wind and check headache . Fengmen ( B 12 ) , a point of the Taiyang Meridian which dominates the surface of the whole body , is selected to regulate the circulation of qi in this meridian , to eliminate wind cold and to relieve chills and fever . As the pathogenic cold has attacked the surface of the body , and the lung is the organ related to the skin and hair , Lieque ( L 7 ) , the Luo - ( Connecting ) point of the Lung Meridian , is used to promote the dispersing function of the lung and to check cough . Fengchi ( G 20 ) , a point at the intersection of the Foot Shaoyang and Yangwei Meridians , of which the latter dominates yang and the exterior , is used to eliminate wind cold . Since the Taiyin and Yangming Meridians are externally and internally related , Hegu ( LI 4 ) , the Yuan - ( Primary ) point of the Yangming Meridian , is used to eliminate the pathogenic factors and relieve the exterior symptoms .

Wind heat :

Reducing is applied to the points of the Du , Shaoyang and Yangming Meridians to eliminate wind heat .

Prescription : Dazhui ( Du 14 ) , Quchi ( Li 11 ) , Waiguan ( SJ 5 ) , Hegu ( LI 4 ) , Yuji ( L 10 ) , Shaoshang ( L 11 ) .

Explanation : The Du Meridian is the sea of all the yang meridians . Dazhui ( Du 14 ) , a point where all the yang meridians meet , is used to eliminate heat and other pathogenic factors of yang nature . Hegu ( LI 4 ) and Quchi ( LI 11 ) are the Yuan - ( Primary ) point and the He' ( Sea ) point of the Yangming Meridian of Hand respectively . Since the Yangming and Taiyin Meridians of Hand are externally and internally related , reducing applied to these two points can clear lung qi and reduce heat . Yuji ( L 10 ) , the Ying - ( Spring ) point of the Lung Meridian , in combination with Shaoshang ( L 11 ) , can eliminate heat from the lung and ease the throat . Waiguan ( SJ 5 ) , the Luo - ( Connecting ) point of the Shaoyang Meridian of Hand connecting with the Yangwei Meridian , can dispel pathogenic factors of yang nature in the exterior of the body and eliminate heat .


The above treatment can also be used for other viral and bacterial infections of the upper respiratory tract as well as influenza . However , common cold should be distinguished from other infectious diseases with similar symptoms at the early stage .

Prophylactic measures : Moxibustion is applied daily to Fengmen ( B 12 ) or Zusanii ( S 36 ) to prevent common cold during its prevalence .



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