Syndromes of the kidney

Syndromes of the kidney are mostly of deficiency type ; and this is reflected in treatment . The Back - Shu Point of the kidney and points of the Ren and Du Meridians and the Meridian of Foot - Shaoyin are mainly selected . Points of the Spleen Meridian of Foot - Taiyin , Stomach Meridian of Foot - Yangming , Liver Meridian of Foot - Jueyin and Lung Meridian of Hand - Taiyin are used in combination . Moxibustion and reinforcing needling technique are applied for deficiency of yang qi . Only needling with reinforcing or even - movement technique is applied for deficiency of yin . Since the syndromes of the bladder often involve the kidney , the two organs are often treated at the same time . The Back - Shu Point and Front - Mu Paint of the bladder and points of the Ren Meridian , the Kidney Meridian of Foot - Shaoyin and Spleen Meridian of Foot - Taiyin are needled with even - movement or reducing method .



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