Thunder-fire moxa stick

Get two sheets of paper ready. One is thick, the other is thin. One sheet is paralleled with the other which has been already folded into double layers. On the top of the double - folded paper, place a layer of clean moxa wool. Slightly tap it with a wooden ruler or a rattan stick until it spreads squarely with even thickness. Then put some herbal powders on the moxa wool and roll them together like a firecracker in shape. After that it is wrapped up with a sheet of thin paper and fixed with egg white. The stick is dried in a cool place without sunshine. Avoid leakage of the roll

Compositions : 100 g of moxa wool, 15 g of Eagle Wood, 15 g of Radix Inulae Helenii, 15 g of Resina Boswelliae Carterii, 15 g of Notopterygium, 15 g of Dried ginger, and 15 g of Squama Manitis.

These herbs should be ground into fine powder, and a little musk is added after sieving.

This method can warm and promote the free flow of qi and blood, dispel cold and dampness. It is, therefore, used for painful joints caused by wind, cold and dampness, and for prolonged diseases and pains such as abdominal pain, dysmenorrhea, hernia, etc.



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