The Pericardium Meridian of Hand - Jueyin

The Pericardium Meridian of Hand - Jueyin originates from the chest. Emerging, the Lung Meridian of Hand - Taiyin and the Heart Meridian of Hand - Shaoyin ( 7 ) to the cubital fossa ( 8 ) , further downward to the forearm between the two tendons ( the tendons of m. palmaris longus and m. flexor carpi radialis ) ( 9 ) , ending in the palm ( 10 ) . From there it passes along the middle ringer right down to its tip ( Zhongchong P9 ) ( ll ) .

Another branch arises from the palm at Laogong ( P8 ) ( 12 ) , runs along the ring finger to its tip ( Guanchong, Sj 1 ) and links with the Sanjiao Meridian of Hand - Shao - yang.



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