The eight extra meridians are the Du, Ren, Chong, Dai, Yangqiao, Yinqiao, Yangwei and Yinwei meridians. They are different from the twelve regular meridians because none of them pertains to the zang organs and communicates with the fu organs or pertains to the fu organs and communicates with the zang organs. And they are not exteriorly - interiorly related. Apart from the Du and Ren Meridians, which have their own acupoints, the extra meridians share their points with other regular meridians. Strengthening the association among the meridians, they assume the responsibility to control, join, store, and regulate the qi and blood of each meridian.

Running along the midline of the back and ascending to the head and face, the Du Meridian meets all the yang meridians. It is therefore described as " the sea of the yang meridians. " Its function is to govern the qi of all the yang meridians.

Running along the midline of the abdomen and the chest, going upward to the chin, the Ren Meridian meets all the yin meridians. Thus it is called " the sea of the yin meridians. " Its function is to receive and bear the qi of the yin meridians.

The Chong Meridian runs parallel to the Kidney Meridian of Foot - Shaoyin up to the infra - orbital region. Meeting all the twelve regular meridians, it is termed " the sea of the twelve regular meridians " or " the sea of blood. " Its function is to reservoir the qi and blood of the twelve regular meridians.

The Dai Meridian, which originates in the hypochondrium and goes around the waist as a girdle, performs a function of binding up all the meridians.

The Yangqiao Meridian starts in the lateral aspect of the heel and merges into the meridian of Foot - Taiyang to ascend, while the Yinqiao Meridian starts in the medial aspect of the heel and merges into the meridian of Foot - Shaoyin to go upwards. Following their own courses, the two meridians meet each other at the inner canthus. Motion regulation of the lower limbs is their joint function.

The Yangwei Meridian is connected with all the yang meridians and dominates the exterior of the whole body ; the Yinwei Meridian is connected with all the yin meridians and dominates the interior of the whole body. The two meridians regulate the low of qi in the yin and yang meridians, and help maintain coordination and equilibrium between the yin and yang meridians.



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