The optimization of the antiarrhythmia effect by laser biostimulation therapy in treating refractory tachyarrhythmias

[Article in Russian]

Bobrov VA, Galichanskii IV, Bobrova EV, Mikhalkin IA, Kupnovitskaia IG, Zalesskii VN
Ter Arkh 1993;65(3):62-4

Antiarrhythmic action of He-Ne laser in combination with novocainamid and cordaron has been tried in the framework of the program on combined treatment of tachyarrhythmia. He-Ne laser irradiation has been found to optimize in refractory patients the effect of novocainamid which arrests the paroxysms and of cordarone which prevents paroxysms of atrial tachycardia, fibrillation, flutter



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