Laser is effective for medial and lateral epicondylitis

Simunovic Z, Trobonjaca T et al. Treatment of medial and lateral epicondylitis - tennis and golferšs elbow - with low level laser therapy: a multicenter double blind, placebo controlled clinical study of 324 patients. J Clinical Laser Med & Surg. 1998; 16 (3): 145-151.

In a two center study 324 patients with unilateral medial or lateral epicondylitis were treated with LLLT. Trigger points were treated with 830 nm.  633 and 904 nm in combination was used in the scanning mode. Total pain relief was obtained in 82% of the acute cases and 66% in the chronic cases. A combination of trigger points (TP) and scanning was more effective than TP alone and TP alone were more effective than scanning alone. One of the centers had slightly less powerful lasers and the outcome was a bit lower, although the dosage was the same in both centers



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