GaAs laser treatment of venous ulcers

Soriano F. 

Proc. 2nd Congress World Assn for Laser Therapy, Kansas City, September 1998; p. 128-130

In a study extended over 6 years Soriano treated 231 patients with venous leg ulcers.
The exclusion criterias were diabetes, arterial disease, vasculitis, congestive heart failure and loss of follow up at 6 months. 122 of 154 patients in the laser group fulfilled the study. In the control group (traditional treatment only) 46 of 77 patients fulfilled. Wounds were all of Size Rate 4 or larger (diameter major + diameter minor). A 40 mW GaAs laser at 10.000 Hz was used, The laser was applied in the point technique with a dose of 3 J/cm2 per point around the border and onto the bed of the ulcer in non contact. Three sessions a week were performed for 4 months, or until the ulcer was completely healed. The results were evaluated as complete healing, partial healing (more than 50%) or non healing (less than 50%). In the laser group there was a 70% healing rate and a 14% rate of partial healing. In the control group 26% of the patients had a complete healing and 22% a partial healing. In the laser group, only 19% of the ulcers of great size (>16) healed completely and if the wound was more than one year old, the percentage of complete healing was 40%. Wounds with an oedema failed to heal with the parameters used. 



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