
  • Yellow urine generally indicates heat syndromes, while clear and profuse urine indicates absence of the pathogenic heat in an illness, or cold syndromes.
  • Turbid urine suggests downward infusion of damp heat or downward leakage of turbid essence.
  • Red urine implies injury of the vessels by heat.
  • Clear urine increased in volume means infirmity of the kidney qi and dysfunction of the bladder in controlling urine, while scanty yellow urine with urgent and painful urination means downward infusion of damp heat into the bladder.
  • Dribbling urination or retention of urine in a severe case is present not only in syndromes of deficiency type due to exhaustion of the kidney qi with its impaired function of controlling urine, but also in syndromes of excess type caused by obstructed qi activities of the bladder due to downward infusion of damp heat, stagnant blood or stones.



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