Gao Zhenwu, Yu Xiaozhen, Wang Zhanglian, Sheng Aixue, Qiu Jihua, Bao Li'en, Lin Xiu-chun, Hu Zhonggen,

(Institute of Acupuncture, Zhejiang College of TCM, Hangzhou)

In recent two years, 42 cases with extrasystole were treated by acupuncture of the points: Neiguan, Shenmen, Jueyinshu, Xinshu etc., under the observation on electrocardiogram and according to the principles of the treatment and diagnosis based on differentiation of symdroms, of which 23 cases showed marked effect, 13 improvement and 6 no effect. 37 cases with sinus bradycardia were treated by needling the acupoints of Neiguan, Lie-que, Zusanii and Tanzhong etc., 21 Showed marked effect, 8 showed improvement, and no effect in 8 cases; effective rate was 78%. Under the observation on ultrasonic cardiogram, needling the acupoints of Neiguan, Zusanii, etc. to treat 44 cases with the 'Xin Qi Xu (Qi-deficiency of heart)' - the output of left heartbeat was lower, showed marked effect in 26 cases, improvement in 14 cases and no effect 4 cases, the effective rate was 90.9%

Patients with extrasystole and bradycardia were treated by needling showing forthwith effective rate 20%. This had displayed the immediate effect between the heart and regular point. The output of heartbeat of the patients with 'Xin Qi Xu' (the blood flow of left heart is lower) of 68.2% increased markedly and showed the immediate effect between the regular point and heart. The other effective cases showed the effect after treatment.

The relative idiosyncrasy between the regular acupoint and heart had been observed. Example: puncturing Neiguan and Zusanii showed merely increase in output of left heartbeat. The ratio between before and after treatment is value of P<0.05; but needing Waiguan and Jiaoxin, point below 2 cun of out-ankle effected relatively poor, the value of P>0.05. Needling 'Neiguan' combined with 'Zusanii' to increase the output of left heartbeat had been well coordinated, the value of P<0.01. However, Waiguan plus Jiaoxin to increase the output of left heartbeat had been showed, but the value of P<0.05, there's no point in statistics.

The closed relations of the effect between the regular point and heart had been observed on the operating method of acupuncture. Generally, to treat the extrasystole fitted to use the manipulation of normal reinforcement and normal reduction; for the sinus bradycardia and Xin Qi Xu applied mainly the reinforcement or to combine with warm moxibustion. For obtaining better effect it is important to take the considerations of medical treatment based on climatic and seasonal conditions, geographic localities, the patient's constitution and their diseases; to apply dialecticallythe strong, weak and time of the needling effect on 'De Qi' (getting the Qi or the feeling of acupuncture).



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