Zhan Yongkang, Xiang Zhizhong

(Hunan Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology, Changsha)

15 Cases of severe Crane-knee syndrome, refractory to treatments and got rheumatism, rheumatoid arthritis and bone tuberculosis, were treated chiefly with scarring moxibustion, of which seven were cured, four were treated with favorable effects and four took a turn for the better.

I. Selection of the Acupoints: For the trouble as a whole, Dazhui, Gaohuang, Yao-yangguan, Qihai, and Guanyuan were selected. For malformation, Dashu and luegu were added; for complication with affection of pathogenic phlegm and dampness, Pi&hu and Zhongwan were added; for complication with affection of pathogenic wind, Quchi and Fengshi were added; for complication with ecchymosis, Geshu was added. For ihc local affection, Dubi, Xiyan, Yanglingquan, Zusanii and Jinggu were selected. At the late stage of the treatmnt Ashi Points were selected when moxibustion was administered.

II. The Moxibustion Method: 2-4 acupoints were selected once. After routine sterilization the wheal was aroused by local anesthesia and then moxibustion was administered on each of the selected acupoints with wheat-sized moxa cones 10-20 Zhuang'31 and on Gaohuang and Guanyuan, etc. once 50-100 Zhuang. once very 3-5 days. After moxibustion a process of suppuration scar formation, and healing appeared.

III The supplemental Treatment: After moxibustion on the acupoints at the back, acupuncture of Zusanii was taken. After moxibustion on those points in the abdominal region, acupuncture of Sanyinjiao was added; After moxibustion on the local acupoints acupuncture of Xingjian was used; for the case with local burning sensation, acupuncture of Yanglingquan was carried out with coiling method. In addition, 10 ml of the mixtura (VBi 200 mg, VBs 50 mg,  2% of procaine hydrochloride 40mg, and water) in adult patients was respctively injected into the four acupoints selected. The other two local acupoints were selected and injected with the relevant chemicals on the basis of differentiating the diseases.

IV. Clinical Experiences: Moxibustion is remarkably effective. It is unnecessary for the patients with this syndrome to take the medicines per os, especially with rheumatoid arthritis. They may gradually stop taking hormone when treated with it. The favorable therapeutic effect will last long if they persist in accepting moxibustion. It is focal that the lesion formed by moxibustion must be suppurative with profuse pus. If the auxiliary treatment is appropriately applied, the patient's bones can never be scorched, his muscles and tendons never be injured, and his body never be attacked by toxic fire (heat) inwardly.

Notes: (1) It is a condition clinically characterized by enlargement and pain of the knee Joints, with muscular wasting of the thigh and legs. It is so called because the enlarged knee joints like those of the crane. (2) A moxa cone is burnt directly on the skin at an acu-point so that a small blister is formed. As a result, a scar is formed after the lesion is healed. (3) The number of moxa cones ignited at each moxibustion. (4) It denotes that after the needle is inserted into a certain depth, it is repeatedly lifted thrice according to the deep, medium, and superficial sequence and thrusted once so as to make the patient feel cool.




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