Zhao Pei1, Fu Rulian2, Kai Guiyun2, Peng Shigang3

A Laser-acupoint therapy had been used in treating 7 conditions of acute abdominal diseases (intraabdominal adhesions, intestinal obstruction by adhesions, abdominal inflammatory masses, acute and chronic appendicitis, localized peritonitis, acute and chronic cholecystitis, and acute and chronic pancreatitis) in 520 cases with an effective rate of 97%.

Apparatus and methods. Both the C02 laser generator with expanded optical beam and the He-Ne laser generator with expanded optical beam or beam transmitted through single optical fiber had been used. The laser beam was pointed to the selected acupoints or th affected areas for 10-20 minutes, once or twice daily. A therapeutic course meant 10-12 trials of treatment; another course was given after an interval of 3-5 days if necessary.

Clinical results:

Short-term results: Clinically symptomless 516 cases (60.7%); Good result 157 cases (30.1%); Improvement of symptoms 36 cases (6.9%); Ineffective 11 cases (2.1%),

Long-term results: 297 cases of the series were followed up, from half a year to 4 years after the course of therapy. The patients were graded as follows:

1. No evidences of recurrences: '2-! year 59 cases (13.1%); 1-4 years 135 cases (45.5%).

2. Recurrences 1-3 times (mild transient abdominal pain occasionally but persisting in working) Vi-l year 20 cases (6.7%); 1-4 years 57 cases (19.2%).

3. Frequent recurrences (multiple episodes of abdominal pain or distension, some relieved by herbal treatment) '/a-l year 12 case (4%); 1-4 years 15 cases (5°'o),

4. Severe recurrences requiring subsequent operation: 1/2-l year 6 cases (2%); 1-4 years 4 cases (1%).

5. Discontinuance of treatment: 1/2 year 3 cases (1%); 1-4 years 6 cases (2'/2). In is suggested that the following factors contribute to the recurrences of symptoms:

1. Over-loading labor,

2. Improper diet,

3. Tuberculosis of the intestine,

4. Intraluminal foreign body of the appendix.

1. Institute of Acute Abdominal Diseases, Tianjin

2. Department of Physics, Nankai University. Tianjin

3. No. 8358 Institute, Ministry of Spaceship Industry, Tianjin




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