Ma Binzhu, Xie Xueou

(Chongqing Women and Children's Hospital)

The authors report the clinical data of primiparous or multiparous women (219 cases) with abnormal fetus position and treat with the He-Ne laser irradiation to the acupoint Zhiyin. All cases received irradiation were normal single fetus breech presentation of more than 50 weeks pregnancy.

Method: let the woman empty her bladder by urination, loose her belt and sit upright. 2 sets of He-Ne laser beam of 4 mW output were and irradiated on the acupoint Zhiyin on both feet perpendicularly with a distance of 2o cm. for 20 minutes, once daily until spontaneous version occurred. Irradiate was usually not more than 10 times.

A retrospective study was made to compare the results between 219 cases of laser group, 216 cases of controlled group and 153 cases of knee-chest position group. The version rate was 76.26%, 77.78% and 49.07% in laser, controlled and knee-chest position group respectively.

For those with pregnancy of more than 32 weeks, the version rates in these 3 groups were 79.03%, 86.57% and 74.49%. There was no statistical difference (P>0.05). This suggests that no corrective measure is necessary before 32 weeks of pregnancy. In the 32-56 weeks pregnancy, the version rate in laser group was 79.53%, knee-chest position group 74.39% and controlled group 44%. The version rate in laser and knee-chest position group is markedly higher than that of the controlled group (P<0.001).

After 37 weeks of pregnancy, the fetus was more mature with less amnionic fluid, thus the chance of spontaneous version of presentation was less (8.33%). Because of the bigger size of the fetus, and the distension of the abdomen, patient was not likely to persist to take the knee-chest position. Therefore the cases were few and we had only 4 cases in this series, and none of them had spontaneous version. Among the 30 cases in the laser group, the version rate was 56.67% (P<0.001). Therefore we propose that laser irradiation is beneficial in late pregnancies.

Among the total version cases, 131 (78.44%) of women had been irradiated from 1-3 times, 48 cases of them (131) received irradiation only one time.

We have done physical examination and studied their I.Q. (intelligent quotient) in 201 children below 1-3 years whose mother had received laser beam irradiation.

In comparing with the standardization recorded through the general survey of 30,000 healthy children in Sichuan Province in 1979, there is not much difference in regard to the body weight and the height (P>0.05).

As to the I.Q., ability quotient and the distribution of the above 2 quotients in different ages were also the same as that of 10,731 healthy children observed in July 1981 in Chongqing (P>0.05).

In the laser group, we had examined the RBC and Hb in 156 babies. Their condition of nutritional anemia was within the limit of the standard of Chongqing Children Hospital A random, examination of WBC and differential count in 36 cases showed also within normal limit. The incidence of micro-nucleus in peripheral blood in 40 women and 36 babies was also normal. These show that laser irradiation is harmless to both the mother and the fetus. This method is easily to control, painless, no complication and without any side-effects. The mechanism of producing version is probably due to that the He-Ne laser beam causes the relaxation of the abdominal muscles, increases the activity of the uterus and fetal activity. These facts promote the version of the fetus position.




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