He Shuhuai

(Dongzhimen Hospital, Beijing College of TCM, Beijing)

We have found through long and repeated practice that Huatuojiaji points may regulate the vital energy and blood of internal organs (Zang Fu), and it is possible to use for treatment of the disorders of internal organs and diseases related to viscera.

Clinical practice showed that if any of the internal organs is out of order, there is usually positive reaction and paresthesia appeared on both sides along the spinal column in the corresponding sections. For example, if the respiratory system is involved, there is usually positive reaction on the lateral sides of T3-5; positive reaction appears on the lateral sides of T5-12 for digestive system and on the sides of lumbar and sacral region for the urogenital system.

Huatuojiaji points have been used in the clinic for a long time by the author- 70 cases of vascular migraine were treated, the recovery rate was 48.6%, effective rate was over 95.7%; 40 cases of apoplexy treated, the recovery rate was 80%; paresthesia 31 cases, the recovery rate was 71%; dysautonomia 20 cases, recovered 15 cases. Moreover, Raynaud's diseae and Erythromelalgia have also obtained good results.

Why can the diseases of internal organs be treated by puncturing Huatuojiaji points?

According to the theory of TCM, we consider that those points distribute on the back of the body have two functions, one is the local function and the other is the remote function. It treats the diseases by means of regulating the function of the viscera through applying acupuncture and moxibustion on Huatuojiaji points. On the other hand, the viscera may influence the vital energy and blood. Therefore the vascular diseases can be cured by puncturing Huatuojiaji points.

According to western medicine, the function of viscera is controlled by autonomic nerves which also correlate with vascular migraine and cerebrovascular diseases. This is why dysautonomia, vascular migraine and cerebrovascular diseases can be treated by puncturing and moxibustion on Huatuojiaji points.

The effects may be obtained by the way of regulating the autonomic nerves by puncturing Huatuojiaji points. This is why the disorders of the viscera and vascular diseses can be treated. The experiments also showed that the rheo-encephalography changed markedly and were quite different from that before treatment.



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