Guan Zunhui

(Hospital of P.O. Box 200, Kunming)

In this paper, the clinical experience of applying the differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of meridians by the veteran physician Guan Zhengzhai is briefly introduced.

Differentiation of syndromes (DS) according to the theory of meridians is a comprehensive clinical method of DS with the doctrine of meridians and internal organs, and based on the doctrine of meridians.

The distinct features of this method are:

To analyze and induce syndromes by way of the twelve meridians and the Eight Extra-meridians;

To deduce the etiology and mechanism of disease combined with the theory of meridians and internal organs

To determine the nature of pathological changes and the condition of prosperity and decline between body resistance and pathogenic factors.

The main methods of the differentiation of syndromes by way of meridians are as follows:

1. It is the key link to differentiate syndromes along the pathway of meridians. That is to say, if the disease caused by the disorder of a meridian itself, this meridian shall be regulated; If the disease arises from endogenous factors in a certain meridian, both the superficial meridian and internal meridian ought to be regulated simultaneously; When a meridian is attacked by the pathogenic factors and falls ill, the maternal meridian and child meridian must be regulated at the same time.

2. The symptom and sign of the twelve meridians In the subordinate principle. The paper gives an explanation of the differentiation of syndromes according to the twelve meridians and how the syndromes induced and symptom analysed by way of the syndromes of the twelve meridians.

3. Stress on the differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of the extra-meridians: Pathologically, the eight extra meridians play a certain role in the classification, combination and dominance of the twelve meridians. Through the analysis of cases, the clinical significance of the differentiation of syndromes according to the theory of the extra meridians is made clear.

4. Emphasis on the theory of human body surface and that of meridians, tendons and muscles: The application of the theory of 12 Pibu (the twelve portions of body surface) in differentiating diagnosis and treatment is briefly introduced. And with cases as examples, the guidance of the theory of meridians, tendons and muscles in clinical acupuncture and moxibustion therapy is described.

5. The concept of viewing the human body as a whole must be emphasized in the differentiation of syndromes by way of meridians: In applying the differentiation of syndromes on the basis of meridians one should give consideration to the interrelation and interplay between the meridians and internal organs. At the same time, one should also integrate this method with Bagang Bianzheng (the DS of Eight Entities) and Qixue Jinye Bian-/'heng (the DS according to Qi, blood, humor and body fluid). Only in this way, the clinical diagnosis and treatments of diseases may be more meticulous and all-sided.




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