The therapeutic properties of the points

The therapeutic properties of the points of the fourteen meridians are generalized on the basis of the principle that the course of a meridian is amenable to treatment . Each of the points has its own therapeutic feature owing to its particular location and pertaining meridian . Generally speaking , however , all the points can be used to treat disorders of the areas where they are located , and those adjacent to their location . These are known respectively as the local and adjacent points with therapeutic properties . In addition , some of the points can be used to treat disorders of the areas far away from where they are located . These are known as the remote or distal points with therapeutic properties .

The Remote Therapeutic Properties of the Points

The remote therapeutic properties of the points form a major regularity which is established on the basis of the meridian theory . Among the points of the fourteen meridians , those located on the limbs , especially below the elbow and knee joints , are effective not only for local disorders but also for disorders of the remote zang fu organs and tissues on the course of their pertaining meridians . Some even have systemic therapeutic properties . For example , Lieque ( L7 ) treats disorders not only on the upper limbs but also in the vertex , chest , lung and throat as well as exogenous diseases ; Yanglingquan ( G34 ) is effective not only for diseases of the lower limbs but also for hypochondrium , biliary , hepatic , and mental disorders as well as tendon abnormalities such as spasm and convulsion .

The Three Yin Meridians of Hand Disorders of Chest

  • The Lung Meridian of HandTaiyin Disorders of the lung and throat
  • The Pericardium Meridian of HandJueyin Disorders of the heart and stomach ; Mental illness
  • The Heart Meridian of HandShaoyin Disorders of the heart ; Mental illness

The Three Yang Meridian of Hand Disorders of the eye , throat and febrile diseases

  • The Large Intestine Meridian of HandYangming ; Disorders of the forehead , face , nose , mouth and teeth
  • The Sanjiao Meridian of HandShaoyang Disorders of the temporal and hypochondriac regions ; Disorders of the ear
  • The Small Intestine Meridian of HandTaiyang Disorders of the occipital region and scapular region and mental illness

The Three Yang Meridians of Foot Mental illness , febrile diseases

  • The Stomach Meridian of FoolYangming Disorders of the face , mouth , teeth , throat , stomach and intestine
  • The Gallbladder Meridian of FootShaoyang Disorders of the ear , temporal and hypochondriac regions ; Disorders of the eyes
  • The Bladder Meridian of FootTaiyang Disorders of the neck , dorsolumbar region . ( Back Shu Points also for zangfu disorders . )

The Three Yin Meridians of Foot Disorders of the external genitalia , gynaecological diseases

  • The Spleen Meridian of Foot Taiyin Disorders of the spleen and stomach
  • The Liver Meridian of Foot Jueyin Disorders of the liver
  • The Kidney Meridian of Foot Shaoyin Disorders of the kidney , lung and throat

Indications of Ren and Du Meridians In Common Disorders of zangfu organs , menial illness , gynaecological disorders

  • Ren Prolapse of Yang , collapse Meridian ( It is also for general tonification . )
  • Du Apoplexy , coma , febrile diseases , disorders of the head and face

The Local and Adjacment

All the points in the body share a common feature in terms of their therapeutic properties , namely , all have local and adjacent therapeutic properties . Each point located on a particular site is able to treat disorders of this area and of nearby organs . For example , Yingxiang ( Li20 ) and Kouheliao ( Li19 ) located baside the nose , and the neighboring points Shangxing ( Du 23 ) , Tongtian ( B7 ) can all be effective to nasal disorders . Zhongwan ( Ren12 ) and Liangmen ( S21 ) located in the epigastric region , and the nearby points Zhangmen ( Liv13 ) and Qihai ( Ren6 ) are used for gastric disorders . The therapeutic properties of the points on the head , face and trunk are judged according to this principle , so are those of the points on both the Ren and Du meridians and those of the points situated bilaterally along the above two extra meridians . Owing to the special distribution of the Ren and Du meridians , their points have more systemic influence .

  • Head , face , neck Disorders of the brain , mouth , eye , ear , nose , teeth and throat
  • Chest , upper dorsal region ( corresponding to Disorders of the lung and heart the region between the 1st and 7th thoracic vertebrae ) disorders of the lung and heart
  • Upper abdomen , lower dorsal region ( corresponding to the region between the 8th thoracic and the 1st lumbar vertebrae ) Disorders of the liver , gallbladder , spleen and stomach
  • Lower abdomen , lumbosacral region ( corresponding to the region between the 2nd lumbar and the 4th sacral vertebrae ) Disorders of the kidney , intestine , bladder and genital organs

The remote , adjacent , and local therapeutic property of these points are determined by how far away their effects reach from the location of points themselves . The therapeutic properties , remote , adjacent , or local points , are nevertheless characterized by functional regulation . Clinical practice has proven that puncturing certain points may bring forth biphasic regulation on diversified . Functional abnormalities of the body . For instance , puncturing Tian Shu ( S25 ) relieves both diarrhea and constipation ; puncturing Neiguan ( P6 ) corrects both tachycardia and bradycardia . In addition to the general therapeutic properties of points , clinical attend on should also be paid to the special therapeutic properties of some points . Examples are Dazhui ( Du14 ) , which has an antipyretic effect , and Zhiyin ( B67 ) , which is indicated in malposition of a fetus .

To summarize all the points of a particular meridian are indicated in the disorders of that particular meridian . Points of the exteriorly interiorly related meridians can be combined to treat disorders of those meridians . Neighboring points will have similar therapeutic properties . The therapeutic properties of the points on the limbs should be categorized meridian by meridian , those points of the head , face and trunk , should be recognized in light of their location .



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