Liv8 Ququan ( HeSea Point , F8 )

Location When knee is flexed , the point is in the depression above the medial end of the transverse popliteal crease , posterior to the medial epicondyle of the fe Mur , on the anterior part of the insertion of m . semimembranosus and m . semitendinosus

Indications Prolapse of uterus , lower abdominal pain , retention of urine , nocturnal emission , pain in the external genitalia , pruritus vulvae , pain in the medial aspect of the knee and thigh .

Method Puncture perpendicularly - 0 . 5 - 0 . 8 inch . Moxibustion is applicable .

Vasculature Anteriorly , the great saphenous vein , on the pathway of the genu suprema artery .

Innervation The saphenous .



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