Liv2 Xuigjian ( YingSpring Point , F2 )

Location On the dorsum of the foot between the first and second toe , proximal to the margin of the web

Indications Pain in the hypochondrium , abdominal distension , headache , dizziness and vertigo , congestion , swelling and pain of the eye , deviation of the mouth , hernia , painful urination , retention of urine , irregular menstruation , epilepsy , insomnia , convulsion .

Method Puncture obliquely - 0 . 3 - 0 . 5 inch . Moxibustion is applicable .

Vasculature The dorsal venous network of the foot and the first dorsal digital artery and vein .

Innervation The site where the dorsal digital nerves split from the lateral dorsal metatarsal nerve of the deep peroneal nerve .



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