Li7 Wenliu ( XiCleft Point ) , Gi7

Location With the elbow flexed and the radial side of arm upward , the point is on the line joining Yangxi ( Li5 ) and Quchi ( Li11 ) , 5 cun above Yangxi ( Li5 ) .

Indications Headache , swelling of the face , sore throat , borborygmus , abdominal pain , aching of the shoulder and arm .

Method Puncture perpendicularly - 0 . 5 - - 1 . 0 inch . Moxibustion is applicable .

Vasculature The Muscular branch of the radial artery , the cephalic vein .

Innervation The posterior antebrachial cutaneous nerve and the deep ramus of the radial nerve .



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