horse1.gif (9446 bytes) Hartshill RC 2002   

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This year, the club has received special monies as sponsorship from a number of local businesses.  We should all be grateful as I'm sure we will be for their generosity towards our club.
Some of the sponsors have web sites of their own and I would encourage you to visit these site by CLICKING on the hyperlinks I have provided for you.  Potential new sponsors can contact the Club Secretary directly.

NISSAN.jpg (7132 bytes)   Polesworth Garage Ltd    micra.jpg (83300 bytes)

BEVNFOX.jpg (31968 bytes)     Bevan Fox - Insurance Brokers

Manor Court Tamworth.   Tel: 01827 56091

Dosthill Saddlery

12 High Street, Dosthill

Tel:    01827 289251

Grendon Equestrian Centre

Victoria Thirlby (aka - VJ)

Qualified instruction - Private lessons - liveries - All the year round facilities

Horsemanship courses run in partnership with Hartshill Riding Club

VJ.jpg (64361 bytes)

"This is how you do it!"

Lillian's Pantry - Newton Regis Garden Centre

Our hosts for club activities

NFU Mutual

The best insurance doesn't cost the earth  

01827 717515

Mark Evans & Co.

Member of the National Assocaiation of Estate Agents

Open 7 days a week

01827 311300

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