Episode Review

"The Obstacle Course"

I've watched Ally McBeal since the very first premiere episode in 1997. Never missed one show. And I can honestly say that the opening teaser in this episode had to be my favorite one ever.

The very first shot we see is of Larry coming out of the bedroom in his t-shirt and boxer shorts. What a way to start off a show! :) It's the middle of the night and he goes into the kitchen, opens up the fridge, and takes out a bottle of Coke. Then he drinks straight from the bottle. LOL. I find it funny because I've been known to do that every now and then. And look who shows up behind him....... Jackson. Obviously, Jackson had just participated in some naughty activities with Renee because his shirt is nowhere to be seen and he's thirsty. Larry moves out of the way and Jackson gets himself a bottle of water. Seeing Larry and Jackson like this was pretty darn funny. Jackson with his biceps + triceps in full view, drinking from a bottle of water..... Larry looking like he has a bit of a pot belly, drinking from a bottle of Coke. LOL. What was even funnier was seeing Larry subtley make fun of Jackson. Oh, sure. Larry claims that he wants to have better posture just like Jackson. But when he started imitating the way Jackson walks.... LOL. He's too funny.

Well, Ally was probably sitting up in bed missing Larry because she has now appeared and wants to know what's going on. Larry says "nothing" but Jackson claims that Larry wants to look like him. Boy, that Jackson sure has an ego, doesn't he? Ally just rolls her eyes and asks the two of them to cut out the nonsense..... but before she can even get her sentence out, Ally is clearly mesmerized at the sight of a shirtless Jackson drinking from his water bottle. She's in a trance. In Ally's mind, his body is all wet + gleaming and heavenly music is playing. Larry, of course, catches the stare and is none too happy about it.

Now between you and me, I admit that Jackson could be a poster boy for guys with "nice bodies". But if Larry was also there standing around in his boxer shorts, you can bet that I would be looking at him and not Jackson "party-pooper" Duper. But hey, I can't fault Ally for being a normal gal with hormones. She's only human.

Larry, being the smart guy he is, knows that he has to get Ally out of there pronto. So he motions for Ally to come back into the bedroom with him. Unfortunately for him, Ally doesn't budge and her eyes are still transfixed on Jackson's body. She sure was feeding Jackson's ego, wasn't she? Did you see the look on Jackson's face? He was loving it! Anyway, Larry finally manages to snap Ally back into reality and she follows him back into their bedroom. Once inside, Ally can't help herself and sticks her head out for another peek at Jackson. But she's quickly pulled back into the bedroom by Larry who cries out, "Ally!"


LOL. I can't believe I already wrote so much about just the opening scene. Onwards!

I had hoped it would happen... and it did! Ally and Larry faced off in court.

Larry is representing a woman who is suing a man named Douglas, who is represented by Ally. Brief overview of the case: the two had an online romance, that led to phone conversations, that led to love, that led to the woman quitting her job and moving to Boston to be closer to Douglas. Problem #1 - They didn't know what the other one looked like. Problem #2 - Douglas turns out to be a 3-foot tall midget. Thus, the woman is now suing Douglas for misleading her.

The case was pretty routine, by Ally McBeal standards. It was another case about physical appearance/love/emotional distress. Ally and Larry both battled for their clients. The best part of their courtroom scenes was watching Ally take shots at Larry. Larry could barely get two words out without Ally objecting. LOL. First she wouldn't even allow Larry to call her client by his first name. Then she objected again, citing THREE different reasons. Very funny when Larry said, "Oh, could you pick one?" Even funnier when the Judge said, "Overruled. Overruled. And overruled." And then later in her closing argument, Ally casually throws out that the woman hired a "sleazy lawyer". Loved Larry's smile of innocence when the jury and his client all looked at him.

Well, the action going on outside of the courtroom proved to be just as entertaing as inside. I find it delightful when Ally and Larry bicker with each other. And they did plenty of that when they got home that night. The reason I love it is because you can tell that it's all in fun, no matter how seriously they're trying to make it. It's great because you can see just how comfortable Ally and Larry are in their relationship. They can go off on each other knowing that neither one is going to walk away. And no matter how much they bicker, they both know that they're crazy about each other. It's like a game. They're both competitive. They both want to win. But they both love each other dearly. And deep down, they know it's all in fun.

Ally is upset when she concludes that Larry would not love her if she was a midget. Of course, Larry makes a good point when he asks Ally that if she had found him in Tracy's therapy office all those months ago when they met.... and he was 3-feet tall..... would they be together right now? But by this point, Ally's beyond thinking logically. I loved it when Larry got down on his knees so that he was the height of a midget. And Ally says, "Oh, that's not funny!" Larry still managed to look so adorable, even at 3-feet tall. Hey, I'm sure that if Ally met him that way, she'd still find him irresistable ;) Well, Ally's still upset that Larry wouldn't love her if she was a midget. She calls him "shallow" and "superficial" and tells him that she won't sleep with him that night. I liked Larry's sad puppy dog face after that remark. What was really funny was when Ally asked Larry if he'd love her when she's old, gray, and wrinkled. Larry's response? "I'll still love you. You'll still be tall." LOL! And that just about said it all.

Back to the case.... it was a good day for Larry because he won it. The woman was awarded a whopping $70,000!!! Geez, I thought that was a bit much. Quite a blow for Douglas, especially since he had the chance to settle the case and pay only $10,000. Technically, I know that the woman should have won the case. It was about her being mislead, and she was. But I couldn't help feel sorry for little Douglas. I was hoping that the jury would have given the victory to the woman, but awarded her only a little money. That way, both Larry and Ally would have won. But unfortunately for Douglas the "little person", he had to pay up big. But he was still determined to walk out of that courtroom with his head held high.

I loved the conversation Ally had with Douglas after the verdict was read. She told him that love was like an obstacle course (*note the title*). Some people let obstacles get in the way, other people can overcome them. It's perfect. Just take a look at Ally & Larry's relationship.... all the obstacles they have already overcome (Larry kissing Jamie; Larry moving to Detroit). And yet, look at them now! They're together and stronger than ever. They say that nothing worth having is easy to come by. That could be said of their relationship. It hasn't been smooth sailing getting to where they are right now, but it sure was worth everything they went through.

And of course, how could I not mention the foot rub at the end? Ally and Larry had made a bet that whoever lost the case would have to give the other a foot rub. Well, Ally lost so she knew what she'd be doing that night :) Adorable scene of them sitting on the couch, facing each other.... and Ally rubbing Larry's cute little foot with a scowl on her face. LOL.

This was a fantastic episode! We haven't had a real "Ally & Larry Episode" since Hats Off to Larry! And that was in early February! Sure, they were featured together briefly in Falling Up and The Pursuit of Unhappiness, but this episode had lots of them. And that is always a VERY GOOD thing.

One last note...... I know many have been wondering when DEK would address the issue about what went on in Detroit with Larry. Well, I'm beginning to think that they may not address that. Maybe it's just supposed to be understood. Maybe we're supposed to understand that Larry left Detroit because he loved & missed Ally so much, and because he felt Sam would be all right without him there. Just my assumption.

Well, if you made it this far, I congratulate you for surviving this Obstacle Course. Glad you made it through. And I hope you enjoyed this episode as much as I did. What can I say? This season has just been fantastic!

5 more episodes to go! Let's hope they're just as memorable.

� LoverlyLaurel

All these opinions are mine! LOL.
They are insightful, observant, and ultimately..... worthless :-)


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