Episode Review

"The Pursuit of Unhappiness"

To redecorate or not to redecorate: that is the question Ally McBeal is asking herself at the beginning of this episode. Larry has recently moved in and wants to redecorate their place, but Ally's not having it. But as Larry simply puts it -- "If we co-habitate, we co-decorate. That's it. End of discussion." He says that men have to mark their turf and so that's why they are going to go to Sears and buy a sofa. LOL.

After going an entire MONTH without a new Ally/Larry episode, this was a really nice scene to start the show with. Just seeing them walking down the street together, playing around, was great. But why Sears, Larry? Methinks you can get better sofas at a place like Ethan Allen. Sorry, that's my dislike of Sears showing here (my apologies to any Sears employees that may be reading this). Every appliance I buy there always seems to break within a month of purchase. But now I'm getting off-track....... Ally and Larry's discussion about redecorating gets interrupted when they spot Elaine out with a man..... who is not Mark (the man she's supposed to be dating). Ally is surprised to see this, but Larry tries to come up with some logical explanation as to what's really going on -- the man is Elaine's cousin? Just a friend? Well, maybe, but I don't think friends KISS friends quite like the way Elaine was shoving her tongue down this guy's throat. And when Elaine pulls the guy into her place, Ally and Larry are left with their mouths hanging open. I loved this scene! Playful, funny, and surprising. They sure haven't lost their touch. They're priceless together.

What develops throughout the episode is not so much focused on Ally and Larry, but on Larry and Jackson "party-pooper" Duper. Ally's not happy with the way Jackson is dealing with a prenuptual case and so she asks Larry to step in and represent the other client. But I should mention that before she does this, Larry tells her that he cut himself shaving while using her razor. LOL. They're not only sharing a bedroom now, but also personal appliances. I wonder if he was in the tub while doing this ;-)

Ally and Jackson don't have the most friendliest of relationships, and it proves to be just the same between Larry and Jackson. They clash over the prenup case and can't work out any type of deal. They also seem to love each other's names because they keep calling each other by name many times throughout the episode. Larry -- Jackson -- Larry -- Jackson.... I have a feeling those two could be locked up in a room for hours just calling each other by name back-and-forth. LOL. Larry and Jackson are both "smooth" lawyers in the way they deal with their cases, but I gotta say that I think Larry had the upper-hand in this one. Even Jackson had to admit that he liked Larry's style, to which Larry quickly responded to by mumbling "I hate yours". LOL. Robert and Taye Diggs have great chemistry as opponents and I hope that their characters don't become friends any time soon. It's just too much fun watching them trade insults.

The next scene is my favorite one in the episode! Ally and Larry are at home cooking dinner, as Jackson arrives to pick up Renee for their date. Larry and Jackson begin to go at it again regarding the case. Jackson also says to Ally that he doesn't want to deal with her issues right now which sets Ally off. Jackson mentions that Ally kissed him, got into bed with him, and grabbed his "privates". Larry, of course, is listening to all of this intently. Ally explains that she kissed him because she thought he was Larry..... she got into bed with him because she thought he was Renee..... and she grabbed him because she thought it was the remote control. Poor Larry was trying to get a word in but good luck to him. Everyone was talking at once, back-and-forth, between Ally, Jackson, Larry, and Renee. It was like watching a ping-pong match. When Jackson tried to explain to Renee why he was -- as Ally put it -- "hard" and "plastic" when Ally grabbed him, Larry asked if he was talking about remotes. When Jackson yelled out ERECTIONS, I just burst out laughing. That's a way to spell it out, Jackson. The look on Larry's face was priceless and did you catch the way he started looking at Ally? Uh oh, Ally. You're in trouble now. I gotta say, though, that since he kissed Jamie a few episodes back, I wasn't really feeling any sympathy for Mr. Larry in this scene. I was too busy laughing anyway. The best part was when Jackson and Renee finally left, and Ally and Larry continued to prepare dinner silently, and Larry finally broke the ice and said, "So you kissed him, got into bed with him, and grabbed his remote" and gave the knife he was holding a swift chop on the vegetable cutting board. A great showing of his jealousy! I loved it.

Here's a quick tie-up to the previously mentioned situations. Ally confronted Elaine about her cheating on Mark, which Elaine admitted to. Elaine eventually confessed to Mark what she had done, and by the end, she herself broke up with him. That relationship just wasn't meant to be. As for Larry and Jackson, they continued to butt heads over the case. But it was the noble John Cage who got the prenup couple back on track. So did Larry or Jackson win this one? I dunno. You decide :)

Which brings us to the closing of the episode at the bar, where Vonda is singing and couples are dancing. Ally is sitting by herself at the table when Larry arrives. He asks her to dance and she asks him where he's been. Well, where else? He was at Sears! LOL. And he picked out the new sofa, so it's all set. So much for listening to his girlfriend's protests :) Ally isn't too happy about this so she asks him if he'll be sleeping on his new sofa at night, as opposed to with her on the bed. Of course, this doesn't rattle Larry and he comes back with the best line of the evening --

"Or we could watch TV together. You could work the remote."

LOL!! I don't think I'll ever look at my remote control the same way ever again :) You know that expression... "Love's a battlefield". It sure was here, since Jackson and Renee are also dancing at the bar. When Larry and Ally step out onto the dance floor, he and Jackson eye each other. Jackson coldly greets Larry. Larry, in turn, dips Ally and greets Jackson, his face filled with playful disgust. Really cute. I hope Larry and Jackson don't work things out anytime soon :)

It was a really nice episode. There are still a number of question marks concerning Larry's moving back to Boston, Sam, ...etc. I kinda hoped they would've been addressed here, but I'm sure we'll hear more about it in future episodes. I also would've liked to have seen more Ally & Larry scenes. But this wasn't an "Ally & Larry Episode" so I was happy with the scenes they did have together. They are so wonderful that they always leave you wanting more.

Isn't that what a FANTASTIC on-screen couple is supposed to do? Well, then, Ally and Larry pull it off with flying colors. Cheers!

� LoverlyLaurel

All these opinions are mine! LOL.
They are insightful, observant, and ultimately..... worthless :-)


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