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Real Name: Logan

Place Of Birth: Somewhere in Northern Alberta, Canada.

First Appearance: THE INCREDIBLE HULK #181

History: Because of Logan's mutant ability to quickly rehabilitate from injuries, he was taken by a group of scientists as part of the Weapon X program, to perfect and use  techniques that would bond the indestructible element adamantium to human bone cells. Logan's skeleton was bonded to the adamantium, and he was introduced into the Weapon X assasin program.

Height: 5'3"

Weight: Without adamantium skeleton - 200lbs., With adamantium skeleton - 300lbs.

Known Superhuman Powers: Wolverine possesses bone claws (which are covered in adamantium) that are housed in his forearms. At, will, Wolverine can release these claws through his skin between the knuckles on each hand. The skin between the knuckles tears and bleeds, but bleeding is quickly halted by his healing factor. Wolverine also has a keen sense of smell greater than most humans, and almost equal or greater than that of a cat or dog.

Special Skills and Abilities: Wolverine is a master of multimple forms of martial arts.

Speed Strength Range Heal
High Very High Very Low Very High


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Ultimate X-Men, X-Men, Uncanny X-Men, and X-Men Mutant Academy  copyright their original owners.  All content copyright it's original owner.  This page copyright Jon Jacques 2001.  This Page may not be reproduced without my expressed written consent.
For problems or questions regarding this web contact Jon Jacques.
Last updated: June 04, 2001.

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