Pioneering Scout Craft Pioneering Scout Craft 2 Pioneering Scout Craft 3

(5) Make the following splices in a rope with a diameter of at least 12mm:
a) back splice;
b) eye splice;
d) docker's splice;
c) short splice.

Check out this link for all you splicing needs

(6) Construct two of the following projects, working on your own:
a) camp table or dresser using lashings;
b) flagpole at least 5m high using round lashings;
c) model bridge (monkey bridge or trestle bridge);
e) raft to carry two persons. Demonstrate it on water;
d) Scout transporter or haymaker bridge.

When building a camp table, it is important that you build the correct one for your use. Eg in the above fig, the first table is easily made using a figure of egiht lashing, how ever it does not allow for a rain cover to be put on, while the other table is a bit harder, but is equipment to handle a cover. The same is true with the flag poles, flagpole 2 is perfect for a weekend patrol camp, while 3 may be used for troop camp where more than flag needs to be flown, while 1 is difficult to put up and used for comp's
Before constructing any pioneering project it is always a good idea to build a model first. In this way you hav a 3d picture of the complete from which to work. Always make the model to scale as this will give you a better idea of if the project will work.

Click here for the design and equipment list of the scout transporter

(7) Demonstrate the following 3 types of holdfasts, and know which conditions each is best suited for:
a) deadman anchorage;
b) 3-2-1 holdfast;
c) log and picket.

Click here to learn about anchorages 1
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