Pioneering Basics Pioneering Basics 2

Some Additonal Lashings

Norwegian Lashing
The Norwegian method of lashing again uses a doubled rope. In this lashing however we use the method of pulling against each other used in the frapping of the japanese metod throughout the lashing process. The lashing is finished with a reef knot ot tie the two end together.

Japanese lashing
This lashing is applied by halfing your lashing rope and placing a loop around the upright spar below the cross spar. The two ropes are then bound around the spars in the same method as the tradition lashing except the double rope is used. When the frapping has to be applied the double rope is split and working each end frapping is applied by crossing over each rope so forming the frapping. One of the advantages of frapping this way is that you are able to get the frappings tighter because you are pulling against each other. The lashing is finished by tying a reef knot in the two ends of the lashing rope. The Japanese Lashing, so-called since it was first seen used at a Scout Training Course in Japan.

Some Info on Block and Tackle

Proplan Chart 12
Proplan Chart 73

Some Pioneering Projects

The Bush Bridge
The Stilt Tower
The Abington Spring Bridge
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