photo gallery

here for your personal enjoyment are some of my favorite photos of Buddy Rogers. These are mostly from my personal collection but if i did take one from somebody i'm sorry :)

      Quotes about Buddy       

here are some of my favorite quotes about Charles Rogers:

"He's almost too nice; sometimes you wish he'd be a son of a bitch, just to break the monotony."- Douglas Fairbanks Jr.

"He's a tough son of a bitch. To show you how tough he is, he used to hate flying. It made him deathly sick. When we made Wings, he logged over ninety-eight hours of flying time and every time he got back down on the ground, he vomited. Yet, he never complained or gave me a hard time. That's a man with guts."- director Billy Wellman

"Buddy was devastatingly charming, especially to the women."- James Card

"I knew at once this was a man who would put the idea out of his head if he ever thought the world was otherwise than good."- Mary Pickford

Buddy and Clara Bow in 1927's Get Your Man

"It's more than jealousy, I suddenly felt afraid."- Doug Fairbanks, Sr., on his sparse trips to the set of My Best Girl, and the flirtation between Buddy and Mary

this photo is actually hanging on my wall in a beautiful black and red frame--i won it off of Ebay (for an arm and a leg but it was worth it)

the 'serious' side of Buddy

another photo taken from my wall collection

Buddy and future wife Mary Pickford on the set of My Best Girl

Buddy in mid-1930s

"America's Boyfriend", early 1930s

a more relaxed photo of Buddy (meaning no makeup)

as handsome as ever, no matter what age

I hate being a teenybopper... but DAMN

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