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Lowest of the lowborn, living in the flats near the road... The Lowborn cotholds are many and usually loud with children. However, the mortality rate among these poor folk is very high, and as such they are treated with disdain by most who can afford better foods and clothing.

The lowborn cotholds scatter around for nearly half a mile, at the base of Caledrus' fissure. They have poor water, with some exceptions being kept quite secret by those who know about their sources. However, they do have a resident Healer who treats only them, apparently brought to a healer hall out of such conditions himself. He also tends to the births.

Notably present as well is a Harper of some years, who often entertains the young with stories and ballads. Few of the children have time to actually learn much more than some history, however, as there is always work to be done in the woods or the fields north of Caledrus.

The grasslands to the sides of the fissure provide good hunting for very small game, and there are two large storage units with chilled air running through them. How this is done is a mystery left only to the Craft masters. On the west side is a larger, two story place with much in the way of meat and such items. The east side is a long, tunnel like affair with not only grains, but wines, water and other sundries kept dry with metal bins.

The cotholds erupt around the sides of the cobbled roads, and some are built quite high along the fissure. Easier to get to there from the top than from the roads!
Who do you wish to visit in the Lowborn Cotholds?

Graapni, drudge son, dirty deeds

Kasseran, supply cavern attendant

Kraen, possibly highborn rogue

Ratar, settled gypsy, Zoorita's brother
Hold Mainpage//...Hold Courtyard...//...Crafters Narrow...//...Lord Holders Nook...//...Gather Downs...//...Dragontithe Flats
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I do not claim to own anything save what I have originally created here -- the names, places and people of Caledrus, the Protectorate and its subsidiaries are all (c) 2000 Sara K Gray. No profit is being gained from this website, and therefore no legal infringement may be claimed. All artwork unless otherwise noted is (c) 2000 Sara K Gray and is not available for adoption. Any online site which I used to get backgrounds, buttons, banners or bars will be credited on the page where their work appears, and to the best of my knowledge all of the images found thereon are "linkware" only. If anyone knows that I am using a picture or background and it is not credited properly, please email me and I will seek to correct the problem asap!
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